(formerly the Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy)




        Pursuant to 2016, 54:2, effective 7-1-16, the Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy was established, with rulemaking authority under RSA 328-J:7.


#12466*     Adopt Mirt 100-200 Organizational Rules; Procedural Rules (eff 1-25-18) DO NOT EXPIRE


#12597*     Adopt Mirt 300 Requirements for Licensure (eff 7-31-18)


#12598*     Adopt Mirt 500 Ethical Standards and Scope of Practice (eff 7-31-18)


#12998*   Adopt, Amend, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Mirt 302.01(b)-(f), 302.04, 305-306 Processing of Applications, Required Documents, Temporary Licenses (eff 3-5-20)


#13075*     Adopt Mirt 400 Continued Status (eff 7-24-20)


#13285*     Readopt w/Amend Mirt 103.04 Board Meetings and Quorum (eff 10-26-21) DO NOT EXPIRE


#13329     Adopt/Readopt w/amend Mirt 300 Criminal History Records Check, Initial Licensure, and Temporary Licensure (eff 1-22-22)


#13431*   Readopt w/Amend Mirt 303.05, 303.07, 303.08, 303.09 Initial Licensure Eligibility Requirements (eff 8-11-22) EXPIRES: 8-11-32




Pursuant to 2022, 104:1 and 104:4, effective 7-26-22, the Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy was renamed and re-established as the Advisory Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy under RSA 328-J:7, I and RSA 328-J:3.  The former rulemaking authority of the Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy was transferred to the Executive Director of the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) under RSA 328-J:7.  See the filing history for the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification for all subsequent filings affecting the former Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, including the readoption with amendment by the Executive Director of various rules in Mirt 303 in Document #13431, effective 8-11-22; the adoption by the Executive Director of Plc 1300 in Document #13548, Interim, effective 2-1-23; and the repeal by the Executive Director of Mirt 100-500 in Document #13586, effective 3-22-23.