#7760*       INTERIM RULE - Adopt Bcr 100 State Building Code Review Board Organizational Rules (eff 9-14-02) EXPIRES: 3-13-03


#8003*       Adopt Bcr 100 Organizational Rules (eff 12-12-03) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8044*       Adopt Bcr 200 Procedural and Hearing Rules (eff 2-17-04) 8-year Expiration


#8213*       Readopt w/amd Bcr 207.01 Applicability of Adjudicative Proceedings (eff 11-22-04) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8323*       Adopt Bcr 215 Appeals Process Rules (eff 4-12-05)


#10073*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Bcr 200 various sections – Interim Various Practice and Procedure Rules (eff 1-17-12) EXPIRES: 7-16-12


#10098*     Readopt w/Amend Bcr 103.01 & 105.01 Appointment of Vice-Chair Rule (eff 3-12-12) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10161*     Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Bcr 200 various sections Various Practice and Procedure Rules (eff 7-13-12) DO NOT EXPIRE


#12620*    Amend Bcr 200 various Various Building Code Review Board Practice and Procedure Rules (eff 9-18-18) DO NOT EXPIRE